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LE MANS miniatures renews packaging

The title in English is not so funny than in French. We simply decided during this anniversary year to review our packaging.

We start by replacing the plastic blister that packs all the kits in scale 1/87th, the figurines to 1/43rd and the figurines and accessories to 1/24th.

We have chosen to keep the function of being able to display cases on a rack for retailers who continue to store our items. Each item has been now assigned a barcode to facilitate the storage and cash register functions. The proportions of the box are almost identical to the standard blister pack that we used until now.

For obvious reasons of recycling, the hanging box is now made of matt coated cardboard but with higher thickness to obtain such a resistant packaging.

To go to the end of the concept of greener packaging we completely set aside the possibility of seeing the contents of the box by transparency which involved a translucent PVC window. We have replaced this function with the implementation for each article of a QR code which refers to the complete article datasheet on our site with pictures describing the parts contained in each box. As far as possible on the front view, we keep the picture of the presentation of the article as it was until now.

Concerning the setting, we opted for shimmering colors and a trendier decor that will fit with the other boxes that we are also reviewing. The first items produced the last weeks have been packaged with this new box.

You can appreciate these future new decors with the release of the Peugeot J7 which also requires to review the opening mode of our 1/32th box especially for this kind of vehicle and on the following new slot-car models.
At the 1/18th, we are also working to pack and present the first Bugatti type 59 that we will propose at this scale as built models.

On 2021-03-26 at 02:03

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